Safety Health Service

Health-Safety Business

Our Service & Technology
It heals the body and mind of workers through safety and health technology.
Business Overview

Provide comprehensive workplace safety solutions to prevent accidents

Key Technologies

Neuros waves, pulse wave measurements, 3D sensors

Key Products/Services

Omnifit, HEPI, A-EHS

Major News


What we offer
Kiramtech's Smart Safety and Health, Mental Health Solutions

01 Mental Health Care

Neuros/Pulse Measurement Solution

Using a kiosk and measuring instrument, measure Neuroswaves/Pulse waves and produce the result sheet in just one minute! Omnifit solution that measures workers' health quickly and easily

Visit Omnifit
02 Advanced-Environment, Health, and Safety System

A-EHS Components

Biometric access management for field workers

Location of workers in the field

Intelligent CCTV for fire detection

Heavy Equipment Access Detection System

Worker health information management

03 Accident Prevention Solutions

Accident prevention system

A solution to create a safer and smoother working environment through the enforcement of the Serious Accident Punishment Act

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For More Services?
There are solutions for a variety of situations.
Military Mental Health Solutions
Omnifit + MindCare

It is the world's first Ministry of Food and Drug Safety certified measuring device that can measure Neoros waves and Pulse waves simultaneously, fostering healthy soldiers and healthy minds!

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Worker Health Care Solutions

Importance of Enforcement of the Serious Accident Punishment Act Targets aging workers, medical workers, risk process workers, and high-risk groups!

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Mental Measurement Solution, OmniFit
Omnifit Sports

Mental measurement solution to care for negative emotions and stress experienced by athletes and prevent accidents

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